Final control 2
“Population-specific, biogeocenotic and biospheric levels of life arrangement”
1. What is parasite?
2. Define a parasitism.
3. What is constant parasite?
4. What is ectoparasite?
5. What is endoparasite?
6. What is accidental parasite?
7. What is monoxenous parasite?
8. What is panxenous parasite?
9. What is the cyst serves for?
10. What is trophosoite?
11. Name flagellated protozoan lives in urogenital tract
12. Trypanosoma and Leishmania both are in the Trypanosomatidae family. How can we distinguish them during their lifecycles?
13. What factors have to be present for feral nidal infection existing?
14. Name flagellated protozoan invasion diseases are transmitted without vectors.
15. Name leishmaniasis’ types.
16. What is the vector for Chagas diseases?
17. What is the vector for sleeping sickness?
18. What is feral nidal disease?
19. What flagellated protozoan can be transmitted without cysts?
20. What is the general name of plasmodium stages it get development in mosquito?
21. Name malaria Plasmodium species please. Which is the most widespread and dangerous?
22. What animal is most common source of toxoplasmosis to humans? Why?
23. Why toxoplasm is founding in virtually every country of the world?
24. Does toxoplasm produce cysts?
25. In what period of human life toxoplasm is dangerous especially? Why?
26. Name diagnostic stages of malaria in human blood. What is the vector for malaria disease?
27. Why liver treatment is critically important for malaria?
28. What is biohelminth?
29. What is geohelminth?
30. What stage of Opisthorhis felineus development is invective for human beings?
31. Who are flukes concerning their sex?
32. What stage of Opisthorhis felineus development is diagnostic for human beings?
33. What stage of Fasciola hepatica development is invective for human beings?
34. What is strobila?
35. What diseases can cause Taenia solium in humans?
36. What are sources of the Himenolepis nana invasion in humans?
37. Why people who don’t consume pork can get disease caused by pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)? What is the disease name?
38. Why infection of Himenolepis nana can persists for years in patient’ intestine?
39. What is onchosphere?
40. What are dog tapeworm’ target organs in humans?
41. What parasitic worm infestation is named “hydatidosis, or hydatid disease”? Why?
42. Why Difillobotrium latum is named “broad tapeworm”?
43. What is the name of Echinococcus cyst?
44. What are the differences of A. multilocularis and E. granulosis infections for humans?
45. Name human longest parasitic worm.
46. Name main features which distinguish Arthropods from other animal phylums
47. Why ticks are not insects? Name their features.
48. What main parts does Arthropoda body consists of?
49. How do Solifugae are differ from other spiders?
50. What is Solifugae medical importance?
51. How does scorpion perform its bite?
52. Poison of what spiders may be fatal?
53. Female of which Arthropoda is named “black widow”? Why?
54. Name structural features which belong to ticks
55. Hard ticks have soft and stretched belly. Why are they named “hard”?
56. How can you distinguish Soft and Hard ticks?
57. What is soft ticks’ medical importance?
58. What is hard ticks’ medical importance?
59. What is the reason of sarcoptic mange in humans?
60. In what way can humans be ingested by Sarcoptes scabiei?
61. What are main sarcoptic mange symptoms? What are their reasons?
62. What sites do Demodex species occupy in human bodies?
63. How humans can get the Demodex infection?
64. What are tree features which distinguish Insecta from other Arthropoda Classes?
65. What diseases in humans may presence of Pediculus lice leads to?
66. How can you distinguish Pediculus and Phtirus lice?
67. Which Insects’ genuses are most important in terms of parasitic diseases transmission?
68. What diseases can flea transmit to humans?
69. Why flea can jump 200 times longer its body length?
70. Why it is almost impossible to squash flea by fingers?
71. How can eggs of Anopheles and common mosquitoes be distinguished?
72. How can larvae of Anopheles and common mosquitoes be distinguished?
73. How can adults of Anopheles and common mosquitoes be distinguished?
74. Name disease transmitted by black fly to humans
75. How larvae transmitted with black fly is adapted to vector’ activity?
76. What is medical importance of flies?
77. Name myiasys types?
78. Why removing of cockroaches is medically important?
79. There is no data about human diseases transmitted by the bedbugs. Why these insects are medically important?
80. What are the main ideas of Ch. Darwin's theory?
81. Name three types of organisms in accordance to their role in maintenance of ecosystem operating state as a stable interacting unit.
82. Name types of struggle for existence by Darwin
83. What are antropogenic factors?
84. What is natural selection, name its forms
85. What does abiotic component of ecosystem include?
86. Name elementary factors of microevolution
87. What do biotic component of ecosystem include?
88. What is the biologic conception of specie?
89. What is ecological pyramid?
90. What are the main ideas of microevolution theory?
91. What are main pathways of species formation?
92. What is ecosystem, its structure?
93. Why the food chain consists of a few (3-4) units?
94. What are main problems of modem ecology?